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Eliza Dushku

Eliza Dushku - "Dollhouse" Tv Series - Season 2 - How she got the word

Thursday 2 July 2009, by Webmaster

“When I landed in Boston, I turned on my phone. The first message that popped up was from Joss and it said, ‘We’re back, kid.’ It was really kind of sweet to touch down and get the news.”

“Dollhouse” struggled in its Friday night time slot but did well in DVR and online viewing.

“It’s alive because of the fans and because people found the show. This show is back because it’s a new era. It’s not just a Nielsen world any more. We really feel like the show was starting to find itself. If we hadn’t gone back, it would have been such a mean little tease. We found our rhythm, and we know what worked, we know what didn’t work and now we get to really get dirty.”