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Eliza Dushku

Eliza Dushku - "Iron Man 2" Movie - About losing Black Widow role

Monday 12 October 2009, by Webmaster

Back in February, actress Eliza Dushku ("Dollhouse") appeared on the Howard Stern Show where she mentioned that she would love to play The Black Widow in the "Iron Man" sequel.

"They’re doing ’Iron Man 2,’ and I’m so perfect for the Black Widow character," she said. "They need to understand... I just learned Russian because I had to play a Russian girl in ’Dollhouse.’"

The role eventually went to Scarlett Johansson, which didn’t surprise Dushku when MTV asked her if she ever got to audition for the part. "I think it went straight to Miss Thing," she said about Johansson. "I get it, you know? I get it. She’s pretty fierce. I had read about it."

That’s actually not exactly true, the role went straight to Emily Blunt, but since the actress had a prior commitment, she was replaced by Johansson.

Dushku insists that she never had a chance. "I’m a huge [Robert] Downey Jr fan and also [Jon] Favreau, but I think they had it packaged up at the studio."