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Eliza Dushku

Eliza Dushku - What the stars do when they’re not working

Monday 27 July 2009, by Webmaster

Eliza Dushku (Dollhouse) says she feels like an alien in her kitchen. “I’m not a good woman in some ways. I don’t really know how to take care of a household. But I’m good at where-there’s-a will-there’s-a-way, and I’m good at making lemonade out of lemons and trying to always look on the bright side and find the sweet in the seemingly sour. I’m an optimist. I’m also a realist, which sometimes is also my demise. I’m a super pragmatist and also a realist — and stubborn goes along with that. But I’ve really been trying to change my perspective and my perception a little bit and see things in a lovelier light.”

I really don’t care for her comment. It’s not her fault at all. It’s the fact that sometimes women still can’t escape that 1950’s generation of where we have to take care of everything. The food, the children, the house, and even work. Just because a woman can’t keep up with a household doens’t mean she isn’t a good woman.