Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Emma Caulfield New Movie - ’Bandwagon’ Trailer
Wednesday 25 February 2004, by Webmaster
A renowned Danish documentary crew follows Emma Caufield, celebrity, to highlight her humanitarian efforts in reforming farming practices. During filming, a much more interesting charity project falls into Emma’s lap while the crew continues to document the events as they unfold.
Official Website + Trailer: (quicktime required)
Emma Caulfield (Anya in "Buffy" / Caitlin in "Darkness Falls")
Elisa Donovan (Morgan in "Sabrina" / Amber in "Clueless")
Tom Lenk (Andrew in "Buffy")
Joss Whedon (writer/creater/executive producer of "Buffy" and "Angel")
David Fury (writer on "Buffy")
Paul Adelstein (from movies "Bedazzled" and "Intolerable Cruelty")
David Alan Basche (from movie "Full Frontal" and TV series "Three Sisters")
Gannon Brousseau (from movie "Kings Highway")
Jim Cashman (from movies "The Rules Of Etiquette" and "Springtime In Hell")
Patrick Day (from TV series "Adventures Of Huck Finn")
Kristin Lorenz (from movies "Niche", "Crushes" and "Directors Crush")
Camilla Rantsen (from movie "Kissing Jake" and Carolyn in "Charmed")
Joe Roseto (from movies "Swimming" and "Eventual Wife")
Barbara Stordahl (casting director of "Angel", "Tru Calling" and "Dawons Creek")