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Enver Gjokaj

Enver Gjokaj - "Eden" Pilot - He will lead for USA Network

Saturday 18 December 2010, by Webmaster

Nick D’Agosto (Heroes) and Enver Gjokaj (Dollhouse) are set as the two leads in the USA pilot Eden, while Sarah Bolger (The Tudors) has joined the Fox pilot Locke & Key. Eden, from Universal Cable Prods. and writers by Ken and Mary Hanes, centers on a young hotel worker (D’Agosto) who, with the help of his escaped con artist cousin (Gjokaj), gets a job as the concierge at an elite NYC hotel. Together they manage to provide the hotel guests with whatever they desire, at whatever the cost. The pilot, whose two-male lead setup is in the mold of such USA series as Psych, Royal Pains and White Collar, will be directed by Jace Alexander.