From AngelFace of an AngelBy Maxine Shen Tuesday 21 October 2003 October 20, 2003 — ’BUFFY the Vampire Slayer" fans in withdrawal since May’s series finale may have found another reason to continue watching TV. A ghost of the beloved cult show lives on in the fifth season of The WB’s "Angel" - the 1999 "Buffy" spin-off - and not just because of future cameos by Willow (Alyson Hannigan) and Drusilla (Juliet Landau) or rumors of an appearance by the Buffster (Sarah Michelle Gellar) herself. It’s the addition of two blond vampires - one snarky with a soul, the other ditzy with a great wardrobe - who have inherited the "Buffy" mantel and relocated the Sunnydale spirit to Los Angeles, where "Angel" is set. "Just by virtue of the fact that Spike [James Marsters] and Harmony [Mercedes McNab] are appearing on ’Angel,’ they keep the ’Buffy’ universe alive," says David Fury, "Angel" co-executive producer and occasional series writer. "We’re getting a lot more of the back story brought back into the show - more of the dynamics of the prior relationships that were explored on ’Buffy,’ are being re-explored on ’Angel’ and taken to the next level." |