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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

"Faith" Tv Series - The spin-off was planned !

Saturday 6 June 2009, by Webmaster

Joss Whedon recently hold a keynote concerning the topic "Defining American Culture". He reveals that he had planned a Faith spin-off.

He also revealed that he had never intended to do a TV show as his next move in the first place, that several years ago they were planning a Faith spin off show from Buffy the Vampire Slayer when Eliza Dushku chose to do Tru Calling instead. At this point Whedon shook his head and remarked jokingly, “We try to help the girl make good decisions.” At a dinner with Eliza about a year ago, the idea for Dollhouse “popped into my head and I knew that it had to be Eliza.” This, for the Whedon fans out there, is also why he is again working for Fox after they canceled Firefly. Not only are the people who used to run the television division no longer the ones in charge (see the fact that they renewed Dollhouse) but also that Eliza was still under contract with them so if he wanted her, he had to go through Fox instead of another network like FX or Sci-Fi (I refuse to acknowledge it as SyFy) which may have been more hospitable.