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Fans Attempting to Pay for Enterprise (firefly mentions)

By CmdrTaco

Thursday 24 February 2005, by Webmaster

From the maybe-for-firefly-but-not-for-enterprize dept.

An anonymous reader writes "What started of as a suggestion to pay for season 5 of Enterprise has actully snowballed into a project that no one has ever attempted before, that of getting fans to pay for the production costs of a tv series. It has brought on board a raft of people including lawyers. I wonder if the quoted $50 to $80 million is reachable." I gotta say that Enterprise has been better this season, but I feel like it’s still only mediocre. Battlestar Galactica might be the best SciFi airing right now. And I woulda chipped in for more Firefly in a heartbeat.

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