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Felicia Day

Felicia Day - "Dr. Horrible 2" Web Series - Mtv.com Interview

Wednesday 31 March 2010, by Webmaster

Even as the creator and star of the award-winning web series "The Guild," Felicia Day first appeared on the radar for many non-gaming geeks as the object of Neil Patrick Harris’ affection in "Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog." When I had the chance to chat with her about "The Guild" comic book series recently, I managed to fit in a few questions about Joss Whedon’s upcoming sequel to "Dr. Horrible," too.

While her return for the "Dr. Horrible" sequel remains uncertain, Day shared some thoughts about the project and what it achieved, what she’d like to see in a sequel, and why the series’ finale struck just the right chord.

"I can’t spoil anything, because I don’t know much more than Nathan [Fillion] or anyone else," laughed Day when asked what she’d heard about the "Dr. Horrible" sequel. "I’ve heard there’s a title. That’s about it."

"The last time I talked to Joss was when I was on the last episodes of ’Dollhouse,’" she said. "We were talking and he said it was a priority for him to get ’Dr. Horrible’ off the ground — especially since ’Dollhouse’ took up a lot of their time."

While she doesn’t know if Penny will return for a sequel, Day said she’d love to be a part of any "Dr. Horrible" follow-ups — even if she’s just managing the muffin tray.

"But I know better than to tell writers what to do, because I know how hard it is to have actors that you want to use but you can’t fit into the story," she said. "I just think Joss doing ’Dr. Horrible’ really legitimized web video in a way that nobody else could. That he could take this awesome thing directly to fans and have them support it — I want him to do more of it. I’ll do anything I can do to help."

Echoing the sentiments of other members of the cast and creators of "Dr. Horrible," Day pointed to the series’ mysterious team of villains, The Evil League of Evil, as something she’d like to see explored in future "Dr. Horrible" installments.

"The Evil League of Evil is so interesting. I feel like there are so many antagonists and protagonists that you could play with," she said. "If you look at that last final shot, there are so many crazy characters there — like Dead Bowie..."

Day also offered some insight into why "Dr. Horrible" was such a success — and why it needed to end the way it did to achieve that success.

"[Joss] is able to take action and drama and put humor into it without negating the drama and the stakes and the excitement. Nobody’s able to do clever dialogue like that and make it feel like it’s not sticking out," she explained. "Take the last episode — there was a lot of controversy about Penny’s ending, but if you think about doing ’Dr. Horrible’ without that, it takes away a whole level of the story and the drama and how you care about the characters."

"I guess controversy is a compliment in a way, and that’s what happened with ’Dr. Horrible,’" she said.