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Felicia Day

Felicia Day - "Dr. Horrible" star finds success online

Wednesday 9 September 2009, by Webmaster

You may recognize her from guest appearances on “House,” “Monk” or “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” but Felicia Day may be best known for co-starring in the hit online musical short film “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog” along with Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion (”Castle”). After winning the People’s Choice Award for “Favorite Online Sensation,” it was nominated for an Emmy this year in a special category. Not bad for an idea that came together during the 2007-08 writer’s strike, completely funded by writer/director Joss Whedon.

Prior to getting that role, Day had already begun an ongoing series for the web called “The Guild,” which just began its third season. Each three-to-eight minute episode focuses on a group of hard-core online gamers dealing with the problems that come with living in the real world, a concept which Day calls “‘The Office’ for the geek set.”

“The Guild” has received a very warm reception from fans over the weekend at Atlanta, Georgia’s annual Dragon*Con. At the convention, Day told CNN that the inspiration for the show came from the old adage, “Write what you know.” A “gamer” since the age of six, Day said, “What I know best is online gaming and interacting with people online, and I feel like that’s my home.”

Speaking about the demands of the web audience, Day explained, “People want to have a more immersive experience, and hopefully my show provides that.”

Early on, Day started by simply posting episodes on YouTube and the site’s comments were meant to be part of the full “Guild” experience. Fans helped fund the show’s first season via Paypal as well. Day has since scored a sponsorship deal for “The Guild” with Xbox. “With Xbox, people can download the episodes onto their TV like a TV show,” she said when asked about the possibility that “The Guild” might go beyond the web. “If it were to jump to a bigger venue, that would be cool, but I like what I’m doing now.”