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Felicia Day

Felicia Day - "The Guild" Web Series - Newsarama.com Interview

Tuesday 15 December 2009, by Webmaster

We hit the red carpet for the Spike TV Video Game Awards and managed to grab a few minutes with geek Goddess Felicia Day. I’m a huge fan of The Guild, so I was thrilled to see that she’d brought along Sandeep Parikh, who plays her stalker/guild member Zaboo. Strangely enough, after they passed by, I spotted Amy Okuda, who plays the hysterically acerbic Tinkerballa. She’d come as a guest of Mark Hamill’s daughter. So I called her over and got her take on the awesome web series. Seriously, if you’re a gamer, especially an MMO gamer, and you’re not watching it, you should be smacked upside the head with a +2 intelligence sword. I have one around here somewhere...

Check out the info Day gives us on the upcoming The Guild comic, Eliza Dushku’s mishap on the Dollhouse set last night, whether she’ll follow up the wildly popular Do You Want to Date My Avatar? with another music video and the possibility of rising from the dead in the Dr. Horrible sequel. Parikh updates us on his web series Legend of Neil and Okuda gives us a peek at what her season four story line might be.

Newsarama: OK, I have to tell you how much I love The Guild. I play World of Warcraft.

Sandeep Parikh: You play? As what?

Nrama: Level 63 Human Paladin.

Parikh: So you’re still working your way up.

Nrama: Yes indeed! Sooo, are your characters ever going to hook up?

Felicia Day: I’m the writer...I can’t divulge my secrets. [laughs] You know, I can’t predict. I make it up right before we go, so I feel like that way I don’t make it predictable like other shows would do. I like to always break the rules, so, you know, at the end of season 3, we were at a more level, even playing field. So we’ll see. I don’t know.

Parikh: And Wil Wheaton stands in our way.

Day: Yeah, Wil.

Nrama: Wait, so he’s coming back in the next season?

Day: [laughs] No, I can’t say anything. I’m actually right now finishing The Guild comic book for Dark Horse. It’s going to be in the Spring. We don’t have an exact release date yet, but there are three issues and it will be released every month. I’m really excited. The artist Jim Rugg is really great. It’s a joy to send off a script and then get the pencils and inks back. It makes me more motivated to write.

Nrama: Any little hints about other Guild projects?

Day: You know, the comic book is coming out. We might actually have a little Christmas video coming out and probably...we haven’t really gotten a pick up yet from Xbox and Microsoft, but we love working with them and they’re just really great partners. So hopefully we’ll be doing more seasons, officially, soon.

Nrama: Any chance you’ll do a TV show? I mean, you’ve got some rabid fans out there.

Day: I know! Nobody’s really approached me, which is kind of strange to me, but I mean, the show has such a great life online. It’s not something I’m aggressively looking for. If the right partner came forward and said, ’Let’s do this in the right way for television,’ I would be open to it, but I really like having our fans one click away.

Nrama: Hell, it could be Joss Whedon’s next project, since Dollhouse was sadly canceled.

Day: You know, I’m actually filming Dollhouse right now. I was there last night. I have some apocalyptic dirt on my neck and I was just rubbing it off. [laughs]

Nrama: I was just reading on Twitter that you guys were filming in the rain.

Day: Last night! And Eliza (Dushku...like I need to tell you that) actually slipped and broke her elbow.

Nrama: Oh no!

Day: And then she showed up again later that night to finish the scene. She’s a pro.

Nrama: Everyone was so excited to see you on Dollhouse.

Day: It’s nice that people like the character. I mean, Joss...the cool thing was, when you’re running around in the rain and you’re able to hold a gun like I did last season, it’s like, what other creator would let a girl like me do that? So I’m the luckiest girl in the world.

Nrama: Well, you know I have to ask you about your other Joss project...

Day: Dr. Horrible?

Nrama: No one really dies in sci-fi, so he could bring you back.

Day: I have my fingers crossed and I have been singing a lot, so...you know, I can’t pressure...who knows if they’ll bring me back. I love those guys and I see them all the time, so whatever they come up with for number two is going to be amazing. I know that Joss...it’s one of his priorities. He’s talked about it to me...hopefully once the season wraps for Dollhouse it will be number one.

Nrama: I hope so!

Day: I hope so too!

Nrama: So will there be another music video from you guys?

Day: Wow, you know, we set the bar really too high, I think! [laughs]

Parikh: Really.

Day: Yeah, six million views on [Do You Wanna Date My] Avatar. We have the number one video. It was an amazing phenomenon and we put it together on a shoestring, but Xbox was like, ’Hey, go ahead and do it.’ If I’m able to come up with another concept that doesn’t imitate that, and is great on its own, then absolutely. I mean, I would love to sing again. And...

Parikh: We’ll top it. We’ll top it.

Day: Yeah, he [indicates Parikh] had me sing in Legend of Neil.

Parikh: True. She’s a great singer. We’re hoping to do the third season of Legend of Neil as well.

Nrama: That was actually going to be my next question!

Parikh: We’re in negotiations now, so everything’s hush hush, but they want to do it and we want to do it. We’re just going to try to find some common ground and make it happen.

Nrama: Well, what would you like to see happen in season 3?

Parikh: Well, it’s always been a trilogy in my mind, so this will be the finale for Neil, so we’re hoping to really blow it out. I mean, each season kind of one-ups the next, and we had a musical the second season, so I’m sure we’ll find a way to make it even more crazy and offensive for season 3.

Nrama: Thanks guys! [As they left, Amy Okuda walked by and hugged her cast mates who were surprised to see her.] Hey Amy!

Amy Okuda: Hey!

Nrama: Can I ask you a couple of questions about The Guild?

Okuda: Of course! [laughs] It’s so funny to see them! I’m actually here as a guest of Mark Hamill’s daughter.

Nrama: I was just talking to them about the new season. So what do you want to see happen to Tinkerballa next season?

Okuda I don’t know...I talked to Felicia a little bit the other day actually. She was like, ’What do you want to happen?’ And I said, ’I don’t know. I’m not the writer.’ [laughs] She said something about taking Clara (Robin Thorsen) and doing something, which would be really fun...because me and Robin are really good friends outside of the show too, so that would be really, to work with her. Because we haven’t done much together in the past seasons, so hopefully something like that will happen.

Nrama: Is Tink going to mellow out a little next season? Or will she keep her acerbic edge?

Okuda: I hope she’ll always have that little feist in her, because that’s the fun part. I mean, I think she wouldn’t be Tink without it.