Homepage > Joss Whedon Cast > Felicia Day > Interviews > Felicia Day - USPS Commercial - Liquidgeneration.com Interview
Liquidgeneration.com Felicia DayFelicia Day - USPS Commercial - Liquidgeneration.com InterviewSaturday 18 March 2006, by Webmaster
FeliciapoofythingReaders of this site will know of my kinda-cute/probably weird crush on actress Felicia Day once I found out she was a Level 60 Gnome Warlock in the popular MMORPG World of Warcraft (In case you don’t, read here and here). You thought I’d just stop thinking about her when she wrote me last month to confirm her virtual existense in Azeroth, but you thought wrong. I have way too much time on my hands. The following is an interview about WoW and Video Gaming that we conducted with the former Buffy The Vampire Slayer actress, who first caught our eye as "Angie" in the United States Postal Service ads that have been running on the tele these last few months. After reading this interview many of you will no doubt believe Felicia is the Biggest Nerd in Hollywood. And you probably wouldn’t be wrong. Anyone who thinks Ultima 7 is the best game ever or says things like, "Sometimes my rage does get the better of me, like when I was minding my own business picking a gromsblood and I was killed in half-pick by a douche mage," surely does not hang out at the cool-kid lunch table. But cool she is nonetheless. Actress. Gamer. Gnome Warlock. A nerdtastically sexy tripple threat. Name: Felicia Day Race: Gnome Class: Warlock Level: 60 Server: The one with the queue. Guild: If I told you, I’d have to gank you. LiquidGeneration: How many hours/days have you played WoW? Felicia Day: 27 days, 4 hours 13 minutes. Oh my God, that’s a little traumatic to read. LG: First of all, do you find it weird that LiquidGeneration stalked you down because of your appearance in the USPS commercial? We kinda of feel like losers, but something about you made us think: there’s something weird about this chick and we’re determined to find out what! Felicia Day: I think that people have been stalked for weirder reasons. Angie was a brilliant character, and to stand out in a 30 second spot, what more can you ask for? I think she should have a spinoff sitcom, about her sad office life vs. her home life with 9 cats. That would be great TV. I’m pretty sure Angie plays MMRPGS too. Feliciacontact_1_2LG: How many hours/days have you played WoW? Wow, I think you already asked this question. (Someone needs to fire their assistant) [Editor’s Note: Dude, we wish we had assitants! We’d make them write the cartoons so that we can play games on the ’puter all day. Writing is hard! Whahaha! ] LG: What led you to spend hours upon hours in a virtual world instead of doing more useful things, like, I don’t know, partying with The Olsen Twins? FD: Actually, the Olsen Twins rejected me for one of their movies early in my career. I remember them sitting on the couch with their mom as I totally massacred one of their scripts for a straight-to-video movie. I didn’t get hired. I cried in my car. LG: What games did you grow up on? What do you play now when you’re not playing WoW? FD: I’ve always been a PC girl. My mom though having a console would be a waste of our time. So my brother and I pretended to do Math Blaster on our Amiga while we really played Faire Tale Adventure on the sly. What a great game. Ultima 7 is the best game ever made though, bar none. I was even part of an Ultima Fan club as a teenager. Wow, I’m ashamed for typing that. The only game I play is WOW now, who has the time for anything else? I have a lot of fishing to do. I also love the online game Puzzle Pirates, I memorized the whole sea. LG: A lot of people were amused when it was reported that Robin Williams plays a sniper in Battlefield 2. Do you know of any other celebrities who play WoW, or geek out to other games that are kinda of embarrassing to admit that they play. It would help if you named names so that we can track them down and make fun of them, too. :) [FYI, we hear that Dave Chappelle is a WoW fan]. FD: I stand alone in my addicition amongst the Hollywood crowd I know. Most people think I’m a bit of an abberation. New shoes online and new shoes in person both give me a thrill. LG: Are you one of those players who can be found ganking noobs in Tauren Mill? We hate those a-holes, if only because our characters currently suck. FD: PVP is my least favorite activity in the game, although I like AB because it’s short and sweet. Sometimes my rage does get the better of me, like when I was minding my own business picking a gromsblood and I was killed in half-pick by a douche mage. He waved at my corpse after he picked it himself. I hate that guy. Actually, I’m gonna go kill lowbies after I finish this. Felicia_wowLG: Chinese Gold Farming Sweatshops: Ruins the Game or Capitalism At It’s Finest? FD: Honestly, I’m on the fence. On the one hand I hate farmers monopolizing an area when I just need quest drops, but on the other hand, I get a free epic mount as a warlock, and grinding 800 gold seems like torture to me.
FD: I like playing in groups of course! I raid a lot but I can’t wait for the new patch and going back to 5 man Strat runs. That’s my favorite instance. Playing in groups is like playing pool with friends. It helps me rationalize that I’m "socializing". LG: What was one of your weirdest WoW experiences? For example, ours was when we paid a Night Elf 40 gold to spend the night with us in a tree house in Ashenvale. Sadly, she took our money and ran for it. No sexy Night Elf action, no anything. Just the sad look of our brokeass avatar in Ashenvale on a Saturday night. Goodtimes. FD: There was a night when the lag was so frikking bad that the whole Onyxia raid got caught in some netherworld between Wetlands and Theramore on the boat, and the boat kept appearing after ten minutes on land in Arathi Highlands, then loading again to Theramore where no one could move, then loading again and appearing in the sky over Felwood. This took 45 minutes before the server reset. Fun times on Vent. LG: Why do you think the guys who play WoW get so excited when a female player is in the game? What makes them actually believe they’re going to get some? FD: I guess my guild is weird but we have a lot of girls in it, so after the initial reaction of "Wow, you really are a girl like you claim" no one cares. You say the word "boyfriend" enough times you’re scot free. LG: We have a hard time admitting to our friends that we play WoW. For you this must be impossible because you’re, like, an actress, cute, and you’ve worked with Buffy. Do you find yourself not telling people about your WoW playing for fear that you’ll be ostracized by Hollywood/Family/Friends? FD: I’m actually pretty up front about it, I mean, it’s a hobby like anything else. You need to deal with your shame issues Slippy. :D And it beats talking about bad auditions I had. LG: LiquidGeneration just moved to Los Angeles. Where do all the cool people [and this means you] hang out? FD: Cool people "do coffee" a lot. Wherever you drive by and there are lots of ppl on the patio, that’s probably a good place to break out the notebook and look like you’re working to pick up hot chicks. LG: Finally: There’s a little series on LiquidGeneration called Who’d You Rather. Who’d *you* rather: Link or Mario, or probably worse, a LVL 30 Undead Warlock (that’s us!) ? FD: Umm, wow. So could this be easier? Link. First, I have a problem with the sanitariness of moustaches and Undead? I hate the way you guys dance. No offense. LG: No offense taken. Gonna jump my warlock right off a bluff, thank you! |