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Firefly Panel at London Film & Comic Con 2012 - Cinemart-online.co.uk Report

Saturday 14 July 2012, by Webmaster

Firefly is the best prematurely cancelled sci-fi show to ever be cruelly snatched away from its fandom’s loving grasp. Luckily Joss Whedon pulled off some magic and got us a film made, the brilliant, brilliant Serenity. But it’s been a long time and gorram it we love that crew so much that the vast majority of Whedonites would happily bludgeon a lollipop lady with her lollipop to get another series, a special, a webisode, another movie, a crudely drawn flip book. Knowing Joss, Mal’d probably get eaten by wolves two thirds of the way through that da-shiong bao-jah-shr duh la-doo-tze flip book.

Hypothetically heartbreaking flip books aside, two of the stars of Firefly/Serenity; the frankly gorgeous Jewel Staite (engineer Kaylee Fry) and the Hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne (Adam Baldwin) dropped by the London Film and Comic Con for a chinwag at the weekend and these are all the beans they had to spill.

The first question was about Comic Con. Not this one but SAN DIEGO Comic Con. A tenth anniversary Firefly panel has been announced and got a lot of people hoping, wishing, praying that it’s to announce another series or movie. So, is it true? Is there going to be a big announcement?

Adam Baldwin:

A big announcement? (to Jewel) Are you going?

Jewel Staite:

Nope. I’ll be in London.


There you go. If there was going to be a big announcement like that Jewel’d be there. Of course we all wanna do more but as I always say: Joss is boss. The further away from it we get, the more the chances diminish. (To Jewel) Did you die in the comic books? I DIED in the comic books! I fell asleep on my gun and shot myself in the head!

What are their favourite moments working on the show?


One of my favourite moments was peeking in on Jewel when she’d been shot and hanging around like (bites his knuckles) I hope she’s OK.


In War Stories when Mal comes back, walks by me and just touches my shoulder.


I did enjoy watching Mal and Wash get tortured by Niska. Watching them suffer.


What’s wrong with you?


I’M JET LAGGED! Anyone seen Prometheus yet? The spaceship looks awful familiar…

(To Adam) What was it like working with Nathan (Fillion) again? (They mean on Castle – Adam recently guest starred)


They typecast me. Nathan was like “would you like to do something like Jayne meets Dirty Harry?” And I went “sure…” It was just wonderful seeing Nathan be Nathan. He’s energetic and happy and likes making people happy. It was good to dominate him, this character (Richard Castle) is a lot more of a pussy than Mal! Can I say pussy?


You just did. Twice.


(whispering to Jewel)


He just whispered to me “I just meant a little kitty”.

Apart from Nathan, who was the best looking naked?


APART from Nathan? Sean.



I don’t want to be patronising. You surely know if you’re this far down the page, but that’s Sean Maher who played Simon Tam. Moving on. I couldn’t quite make out the question but Adam replied:


I have two criticisms of Serenity. 1. There was no leader reaver. There should have been a calm reaver, instead of them all like ARGHRARGH! 2… Ooh, I’d better not say that.


Come on!


I have to say now, right? The title was perfect but… it’s like the name of a Yoga class.


What would you have called it?


Adam’s Show? No. Jayne Cobb Wins!

What, if anything, did you steal from the set?


Kaylee’s “Kaylee’s Room” sign and the hammock from the Engine Room.


It was all studio property. Taking anything was really inappropriate.


Nathan turned up on the last day WITH A BOX and just started ripping shit off the walls!


I took the head off the Hero of Canton statue (the statue of his character in the episode Jaynestown). We’d finished shooting and there were all these extras and they started chanting “TAKE THE HEAD! TAKE THE HEAD!” So I broke the head off and took it home. The next day they called and said “we need that back”. If you look carefully there’s an insert shot that pans across it and you can make out a crack in the neck.


You’re so weird.


Stream of consciousness, babe. I’M JET LAGGED.

Fantastic. I really could have sat and listened to those two all day. They’re so sweet and funny and man, I miss Firefly so much. Let’s hope that the “Jewel’s not going, so the San Diego Comic Con panel can’t be an announcement about more Firefly” thing is just a cunning ruse and that Joss is going to throw us another Firefly class dose of awesomeness before giving us more Avengers. Or Ripper.