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Firefly’s Captain Malcolm Reynolds is #1 in the Top Five Space Cowboys

Thursday 18 December 2008, by Webmaster

Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds

Firefly (TV), Serenity (Film)

Steed: Serenity

Sidekick: Zoe Alleyne Washburne, who served under Mal in the Unification Wars and has since become his second-in-command.

Backstory: During the Unification Wars, Malcolm Reynolds was a sergeant for the Independents. They lost. After the conflict, he picked up a used spaceship, known as a Firefly, which he named Serenity (as in the Battle of Serenity Valley, this universe’s version of Gettysburg), and accumulated a crew of misfits that exist out of reach from the control of the Alliance. Add to this a doctor who boards the ship with a container holding his disturbed genius sister and a new set of troubles begin.

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