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Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog

Five reasons why you want the Dr. Horrible book NOW

Saturday 2 April 2011, by Webmaster

Any fan of the ’Dr. Horrible’ web series would be doing themselves an incredible disservice by not owning this book. Here are some reasons you’re going to want a copy, as if you needed any.

Five reasons why you want the Dr. Horrible book NOW [dr horrible book 1] (IMAGE)

The Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog Book is out in stores today. I got an early look at this work of beauty and put together a few reasons why you’re going to want to pick up a copy.

1. Full-blown sheet music — The entire last 1/3 of the book is occupied by the complete sheet music to every song in the production. Chord notations, notes, lyrics — the whole thing. It’s a tear-jerkingly awesome sight to behold.

2. Not just any lyrics: behind-the-scenes GOLD! — Not only are the lyrics in the aforementioned sheet music, the entire shooting script is laid out throughout the first 2/3 of the book. The script is nicely broken up here and there with behind-the-scenes photos and scans of the original notebook pages from Joss and Jed. Included in these scans are a few pages that show original, alternate lyrics to some of the songs. This is a serious treasure trove of Whedon shrine fodder.

3. Notes from the cast — Not only do you get the scribblings from Joss’s spiral-bounds, there are some notes from the cast. Read how Felicia Day first got word from Joss to be included in Dr. Horrible, or Simon Helberg‘s first memory from working on the production. There’s also a foreword — of sorts — from Capt. Hammer himself, and an afterword from Neil Patrick Harris. Must-read stuff!

Five reasons why you want the Dr. Horrible book NOW [11 335x425] (IMAGE)

4. Did I mention production notes? — Not only are there all of those scribblings of early lyrics by the Whedon brothers, but there are photos of the actual script pages in here with hand-written notes and edits. There are even scans of the actual call sheets in here. Seriously, what more can you wish for in this thing?

5. Photos galore — Of course the book is filled with fantastic photography. Some are from the actual production, and others are from behind-the-scenes. There are even a bunch from the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con and a few awards shows. Add to this that the book is beautifully bound with thick, glossy pages, and it’s one hell of a scrapbook.

So, what are you waiting for? Go grab a copy now, or by God the Evil League of Evil will stop at nothing to hunt you down! Actually, that sounds kinda cool, so … something you don’t like that’s not cool at all will happen. So go. Now!