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Fondue blog: bad bunny movies (buffy mention)

Monday 10 April 2006, by Webmaster

During this holy week of public holidays and chocolate for breakfast, we are turning the Film Fondue headlights onto everyone’s favourite critter: the bunny.

Just because it’s Easter, boys and girls, don’t trust the bunny. Sure they have those cute little cotton tails and they bring us chocolate every year, but as Anya (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) once pointed out, "what do they need such good eye sight for anyway?". Don’t let your guard down, even for a minute.

You just have to think back over some of the films featuring these hoppy harbingers of madness to realise that when you put one of those fluff balls in the picture, there is a good chance that someone will be coming unhinged. And if that doesn’t worry you, then think of the violence and horror that can occur when you combine bunnies looking for an escape from a cold hard world and an Art Garfunkel soundtrack.

So strap on your bonnet, have a good hard think and let us know your favourite bunny movies. And don’t forget to hop back and make this Good Friday that little bit better by checking out Film Fondue’s attack on the twitchy nosed vermin.

Happy Easter and Pesach,

Ben Davey and Joanna Cohen