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Joss Whedon

Fox Cancels Joss Whedon

Wednesday 1 April 2009, by Webmaster

Despite early indications to the contrary from network executives, FOX announced that Joss Whedon will be cancelled, most likely by marketing-assisted suicide.

This decision marks the end of a long and troubled relationship between the studio and the writer-director, beginning with FOX denying Whedon food and drink, leading up to a gradual reduction in his daily allowance of oxygen.

“I am so not breathing,” Whedon confirmed. “This is me, all asphyxiating.”

Outraged fans claim that his career has been played out of order, and have created a “Save Joss” website, noting the success of the “Don’t Assassinate J.J. Abrams” campaign.

1 Message

  • Fox Cancels Joss Whedon

    4 April 2009 05:07, by Rich L. of New Haven

    I wrote in a few months back and told everyone it was just a matter of time before Joss and Dollhouse got the ax. It is always the people with vision that meet up with the most road blocks because we as a race, cannot tolerate greatness in our presence, we do everything to break it down and destroy that greatness.

    A quote from the great Joe Strazynski of Babylon 5 fame, "greatness is never appreciated in youth....called pride in mid-life.....dismissed in old age.....and reconsidered in death" "Because we cannot tolerate greatness in our midst, we do all we can to destroy it"

    I think of Joss as a great man, very talented and although I have taped all the current "Dollhouse" episodes, I have yet to watch them so cannot pass comment on how it measures up to his other work and will do so at a later time. So why is it that great people are always torn down? Firefly and now Dollhouse, both doomed before they even aired. Serenity not with standing, I thought it was still a great movie. Maybe we should ask ourselves this, if you had the power to choose one, which would you like to see turned into a 7-year show, Firefly or Dollhouse?

    Maybe Joss would fare better on Showtime or Hbo? Instead of Fox I mean.