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Slayalive.com Buffy : Season 8Georges Jeanty - "Buffy : Season 8" Comic Book - Issue 26 - Slayalive.com Q&AWednesday 12 August 2009, by Webmaster 1. wenxina: Housekeeping question here. How far along are you in terms of pencils for S8 at the moment? Georges: I am halfway through issue 29 at the moment. Dark Horse is trying their bestest to keep me on schedule, and at the moment it seems to be working. Keep your stakes crossed that it stays that way! 2. wenxina: You mentioned a while back that you had adopted a storytelling style in which you usually try to show a switch in location by giving us a vertical panel of the new location. Have there been any new additions to your repertoire that allow you to better tell a story in your art? Georges: I said that more in refernece to the story I was telling. I by no means stick to one method of story telling. That would be boring. I read the scripts and ask myself what kind of story is this. With the Faith arc I tried to adopt a Frank Miller storytelling style like he did on Daredevil. Or more subtle things like in issue 27 when the gang is all in Tibet, you’ll notice that for those scenes the panels bleed off the page. I tried this to suggest the vastness of the country side. Little things like that. 3. AndrewCrossett: In "Living Doll," was it your decision to use Jeremy from "Yellow Submarine" as the gremlin in the tree, or did Doug Petrie specify that? Georges: Yeah, that was my idea. I ran it past Doug to make sure he was cool with it. When I read the script I immediately thought of Lord of the Rings and something I could put in from that, but then I thought, why not get more obscure? I bought those Yellow Submarine figures years ago and that little Nowhere Man came with it and it’s sitting in my studio and I thought why not? I also put that Glove from the film in a prior issue (maybe that was too obscure because nobody’s said anything about that yet). Again, one of the quirky things I like to put in my work. Good looking out. 4. bamph: Last month we got Scott Allie’s reaction to the news of the Whedonless Buffy rebooted movie by the Kuzuis.What are your thoughts and reactions about the news that has rocked the fandom and has Joss himself or any of the season 8 writers commented to you about it? Georges: I could have sworn I read something where Joss was asked that question and he replied he wished them luck with it. I don’t see how a movie like that could come out without Joss’s involvement! I mean c’mon! There’s a no brainer if ever there was a no brainer. I would love it if this lit a fire under Joss to do the Buffy film. Speaking strictly as a fan, I would love to see a film version as I’m sure everyone else would. I have this dream that Joss gets in touch with me and he says that they’re going ahead with the movie and they’re taking chunks of Season 8 and putting it together and he wants me to come on as a consultant or something! Hey, a guy can dream can’t he! 5. bamph: Retreat Part 1 has some big moments in it.Everybody coming together finally,the reunion between Andrew and Warren,Buffy and Giles reconnecting and the return of Oz to name some.What was your favorite moment in the new issue to draw? Georges: Seriously? While it was a gas and a personal strain on my drawing hand to include all these characters together at last (and there’s even more togetherness next issue) I really enjoyed the conversation Giles and Buffy have towards the end of the issue. I mean I really choreographed that. It just felt like a really tender scene with these two who haven’t been together since season 8 started! It was really nice. But just to show you what a obsessive I am with this book and doing things just right. I must have labored for a day on exactly how Giles should hug Willow and Buffy when they all meet up. I really put some thought into that because to me it was very telling how he displayed his affections for these girls. That’s the little stuff that seems to take up so much of my time on this book! Click on the link for more : http://slayaliveforums.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=buffyseason8&action=display&thread=8125 |