From Buffy The Vampire SlayerGiles : The MovieBy Christina Tuesday 18 March 2003, by Webmaster Sunday, March 16th, 2003...With all the hoopla surrounding the end of UPN’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer, there hasn’t been much talk of the British Buffy spin-off, The Watcher, that Buffy creator Joss Whedon began developing for the BBC in 2001. The Watcher, a series about the Anthony Stewart Head character Rupert Giles, was relegated to backburner status while Whedon attended to Buffy, Angel and the now-defunct Firefly, but according to Head has finally begun to materialize. In an interview with the Liverpool Daily Post, Head revealed that he has been in talks with Whedon about the project, which is now taking shape as a feature film. Head told the Daily Post that, "instead of getting himself committed to another hour-long detective show like Angel," Whedon would prefer to do a stand-alone two-hour movie which could potentially launch a series if the interest is there. The movie, Head said, "would look in depth into the [Giles] character more," and would be produced in Britain, where the London-born actor resides with his family. "At the moment, that’s what I’m looking at," Head added. "It makes more sense all round and I know the BBC are still up for it. Joss has got so many ideas - it’s not good for one man." Besides Buffy, Head can also be seen in the BBC comedy-drama Manchild, which airs here on the BBC America cable channel. |