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"Guide to Angel : Redeemed" Book - Available on Amazon.com

Wednesday 25 October 2006, by Webmaster

By Lars Pearson & Christa Dickson

More than two years in the making, this highly enthusiastic yet unofficial guide serves as one of the biggest advocates of the Angel series. Written by Lars Pearson (Wizard magazine) and Christa Dickson (Dusted), Redeemed critiques the entire show in berserk detail, with an eye toward reconciling the features of the Angel-verse against themselves, and dissecting the formidable vision of Angel producers Joss Whedon, Tim Minear, and more. Among other concerns, this book seeks to answer such vitally important questions as "Why do Catholic objects harm vampires?" and "How does the vampire invitation rule work?"

Condition: New Regularly: $25.00
Sale Price: $16.47