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From Sfx Magazine


He’s just Angelus Guy

Transcribed by Setje

Saturday 4 October 2003

David Boreanaz is thrilled to bits that his little show is till around and he’s happy it’s still under the radar.

David Boreanaz is optimistic about the show’s fifth season, and firmly believes that the writers will continue to rise to the challenge of developing the characters as they explore new avenues of storytelling.

"They definitely keep it fresh," says the actor. "They allowed me to do certain things in past seasons that have been fantastic for me and exciting. Because there’s a lot of history to this character, I have the ability to use his palettes really well with each show, depending on what they’re asking for. Angel is multidimensional and has a lot of colors that I enjoy tapping into.

We open him up and use his sarcasm in a very vulnerable way. The writers are great at using him in all sorts of different ways. "

"Angel is definitely a show in evolution, " he elaborates, "Joss keeps it very much that way. He’s got an understanding of where it’s heading, and it evolves into something greater and bigger with each show. This season was very heavy in exposition, and its was deep with a lot of plot lines and story. Next season, we look to kind of open it up to more specific character bases and keep it fresh on that level, rather than keep it so ’second story’. The show really works best when it’s about that, when you see each character go about doing their thing. It’s refreshing to watch. This year the show did get too serialized, but it did set up that whole Connor/Angel thing and the Cordelia thing. That kind of came to the forefront. It was important to go to those places, because it sets up where we’re going now. That4s the exciting part of it."

Surprisingly, Boreanaz doesn’t seem concerned at all about the show’s ratings or whether or not all the reconfiguring will result in more exposure or media coverage.

"The fact is that Buffy was such a pop phenomena at the time it came out, " he offers. "Our show remains just under the radar and I find that really refreshing, instead of being this huge success. We feel we’re successful in our storytelling and what we choose to show ; I’m not looking to be number one in certain areas, I just want to do good work - wherever that lands on the radar. The bottom line is we remain loyal to our fans, and they are to us. It’s a testimony to where we are now. It’s amazing what we’ve gone through and that we’re still around.