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Hollywood writes comic books (joss whedon mention)

Mark Beall

Tuesday 7 March 2006, by Webmaster

In an interesting turn on the comic book-to-movie trend, columnist David Hiltbrand notes that this isn’t the only connection between geek culture pages and the Hollywood ilk. Despite the fact that comic books find far smaller circulation than your average studio film (a very successful title might move one or two hundred thousand copies, while a movie can far outshoot that in a single night of screenings), comic books continue to hold some inherent element of "cool," even to many of the successful movie types. Because of this, notable actors, directors and scribes from the movie world will sometimes find themselves penning comic book scripts- and they are always excited for the opportunity. Joss Whedon and Kevin Smith, of course, are obvious examples, but it extends to the likes of master storyteller Stephen King, BET entertainment head Reggie Hudlin, and actress Rosario Dawson. They enjoy it for a chance to work in a different medium, and to revert back to the fond memories they hold of comic books in their younger years; while comic producers enjoy the opportunity to find a fresh take on longstanding titles. Damon Lindelof, the co-creator of ABC’s Lost is a good example, as Lindelof is currently writing Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk, and his take on the story is bringing great sales to the title. Whedon, of course, is another great example, as anything he touches in the comic book world seems to turn to gold.

The trend seems to be good for both sides - and as long as it produces good comics, I’m all for it. Whedon and King both spin masterful yarns, and even Kevin Smith’s writing is enjoyable when he actually gets around to delivering it. It’ll be interesting to see who else may show up in the comic book world if this trend continues. Who do you think is out there in Hollywood land that you’d like to see penning your favorite book?