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From Mutantboosters.com

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Hometown Libraries of the Stars ! To Boost Buffy / Angel / Firefly Sales

By Webrageous

Saturday 11 September 2004, by Webmaster

The Whedonverse Multimedia Project is designed to boost interest in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Firefly by making DVDs and Novels available to public libraries.

In honor of all the people who brought us these Jossverse shows, the Multimedia Project would like to contact the local public library in each of their hometowns and offer them copies of DVDs from their star’s respective shows.

Libraries accepting our offer will be put on a waiting list and sent the DVDs once enough donations are acquired to fulfill their request on a first-come, first-served basis.

Nominate Your Favorite Star’s Library!

If you want to make sure your favorite writer, actor, producer, etc., is included in our “Hometown Libraries” campaign, please submit the following information to webrageous@onebox.com:

Star’s Name
Star’s Hometown
Name of Local Library
Library’s Website and/or Contact Information

Please submit your nominations by Friday September 17, 2004. The results will be compiled and posted the following week.

If you run a fan site dedicated to one of the many brilliant folks involved in the Jossverse and you would like it to be a sponsor of their public library, please include that in your email message as well.

For more information about the Whedonverse Multimedia Project please visit: http://www.mutantboosters.com/campaigns/?ID=wmp