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Joss Whedon

It’s Joss NOT Josh

Saturday 11 September 2010, by Webmaster

Very few people at my dayjob know Joss. In fact, at the time Dr. Horrible was released, no one knew who Joss Whedon even was. I was shocked, I was saddened. I mean, a Whedon-less life?!


About a year ago, the topic of weekend plans came up after a meeting at the office. Everyone else’s plans involved sports, shopping, or a wine tasting / makeover thing. When it came around the table to me, I proudly stated that I was going to a charity screening of Joss Whedon’s Dr. Horrible (this one), and that I would hopefully get to meet Felicia Day. As per the usual, they gave me blank stares. But then, one co-worker piped up. I hate to put people in pigeon holes, but if there were a photo beside the definition of sorority girl – it’s her. I was pleasantly surprise when she spoke up.

“Oh, yes, Josh Whedon! He’s going to be directing an episode of Glee, right? I’ve heard my husband mention [who worked at ABC] mention him.”

I replied, “Yes, I also heard that JOSS Whedon will be doing that.”

I am not usually that person, but I couldn’t help it. Her tone was not the innocent, I don’t know who that is so I’m mispronouncing it. It was the "I’m correcting you" tone. So I corrected back.

So there.