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J. August Richards Thanks His Fans

Saturday 17 April 2004, by Webmaster

Date Posted: 03:51:54 04/15/04 Thu

Author: J. August Richards

Author Host/IP: adsl-67-120-29-238.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net /

Subject: I’ll try that again

So I’m trying to be all sentimental with you all right now, but I’m having issues here in the internet cafe. i wrote you this long empassioned letter about how this is the eve of my last shoooting day on ANGEL and I wanted to send a shout out to you all and tell you how much this whole experience has meant to me and how I was driving down Wilshire and I saw the mobile save Angel billboard and how I followed it for four blocks and I almost cried, but i couldn’t do that because manly men don’t do that and how incredibly moved I was that you guys banned together to save us and how grateful me and my castmates are for your efforts... but it never posted. So I’ll try again.

I suppose you get the idea now.

i also suppose you’ll never believe it’s me, but it is.

thank you for 4 great years (yes, only 4 for me). this ride was a blast and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for embracing me and my character. It’s late, tomorrow is my last day and I’m getting sentimental...

much love to you all,


PS It really is me. This is not a hoax!

2 Forum messages

  • > J. August Richards Thanks His Fans

    18 April 2004 09:46, by SSpoiled
    Aww......i’m all teary now, it is him right? cuz if not, HOW MEAN. lol but aww... thats so sweet, i’mma go cry on my pillow now. even if it wasnt him imma pretend so there ;p
  • > J. August Richards Thanks His Fans

    18 April 2004 15:26, by Normo
    Its good to hear that the fans are appreciated by the cast and crew of Angel. Thanks for your kind words