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From Jamesmarsters.com

James Marsters

James Marsters - A Message From Steve Himber

Saturday 18 June 2005, by Webmaster

Almost all the tickets for the London one-man shows (Saturday) and Friday night’s concert are sold out - so if you’ve been waiting, don’t wait to long or you may miss out. I’m hearing a lot of excitement about the Toronto convention and James and I are working very hard to make sure that we can live up to the excitement and provide a great weekend - especially since this will be the last convention for a while. Toronto has wanted James for an appearance for many years now, so we hope to make up for lost time. There is a good amount of things brewing for James in the acting world and we hope to be able to announce any concrete details as soon as we can. As always, thanks to everyone who has been so supportive of James and only wish him the best and hope to see more of him on screen (and in concerts and conventions). I know the best is yet to come!

Wow, it looks like Toronto is going to be one hell of a party! Steve tells me that the tickets are going like crazy - right on! I know I’m going to have to rock the house because it will be a while before I can commit to another convention like this. I’m hoping that the acting will keep us connected - you guys have been so supportive and complimentary, I know I can do it again. I will also keep the music alive. Rehearsals for the London gig are frustrating but good - it should be a cool, different show. Lots going on. See you all soon.
