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From Jamesmarsters.com

James Marsters

James Marsters Is Filming In ’The Mountain’

Wednesday 20 October 2004, by Webmaster

James Marsters is filming his episode of “The Mountain” and having a great time exploring a different character for a couple of days. The turnaround will be very quick as the show will air on November 3rd and although just an episodic guest star, I think his fans and supporters will enjoy seeing something new.

4 Forum messages

  • > James Marsters Is Filming In ’The Mountain’

    20 October 2004 22:20, by Patpaws
    Yeah, James back on TV. Can’t wait to see and hear him as a brown haired actor with no accent!
  • > James Marsters Is Filming In ’The Mountain’

    21 October 2004 18:26, by SUSAN
    I think thats great .......

    See online : >James Marsters Is Filming In’The Mountain’

  • > James Marsters Is Filming In ’The Mountain’

    21 October 2004 19:39, by Anonymous
    They went and found the one thing, sorry person, that would make me watch, hissing and spitting through commercials, pouting through the show and crying at the end, but watching. The density that is Hollywood. They can be handed great talent and the fruit of great talent and they say, "Duh, what’s dis? I don’t owe dere agent notin’, it ain’t got no connections, dere ain’t no money behind it, wha’do I do wid it"? Actually Uncle Paulie could run the place better than it’s being run now. "Let’s take a delicate little masterpiece about Japanese culture that has the word ’dance’ in it and use it as a J’Lo vehicle"? Can someone please get me what they smoke to ease the pain they’re causing in my head? Sorry, my sight is clearing now.
  • > James Marsters Is Filming In ’The Mountain’

    25 October 2004 21:29, by JoeyAnya
    just going to say—that the mountain with james will air the 7th of nov. since jack and bobby are flipping spots with the mountain.