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James Marsters

James Marsters - January 2010 - Jamesmarsters.com Q&A

Thursday 14 January 2010, by Webmaster

What do you think about the vampire craze that seems to be taking over the entertainment world?

Go vampires! They’re sexy, they’re hot, and they’re profitable.

Which is sexier, hip bones or hollow of the throat?


Would you rather meet your great-grandchildren or your great-grandparents?

Great-grandchildren in a heartbeat!

Do you regularly use your English accent to make sure its still there?

No. (He said in American)

Is the reason Spike did not smoke on the last season of Angel because you quit smoking?

I tried to minimize Spike’s smoking the whole time, knowing that kids were watching, and hating the herbal cigarettes that I had to smoke. Spike didn’t smoke on “Angel” because I had more power then.

Have you ever (at any age) performed in a magic act?

No, not that I can recall.


Dark or white meat? Both.

Scuba diving or sky diving? (Laughs) I’m not like that guy, the either/or guy. Uh, ok…. Scuba.