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From Jamesmarsters.com

James Marsters

James Marsters - Message About Detroit Concert

Wednesday 8 June 2005, by Webmaster


Hey everybody! Just back from the Detroit concert - it was great to connect with everyone there. I think my music sucked a little bit, but I tried to make up for it with a lot of conversation with everyone. It didn’t help that my A string broke mid-concert - but that’s live performance for you. I promise much better for future events. I’m excited about the upcoming cons - the response from you guys has been amazing. These will be the last cons I’ll do for a while - I need to focus on the acting and am working on writing some new material for the next album. Keep rocking!


2 Forum messages

  • > James Marsters - Message About Detroit Concert

    9 June 2005 03:40, by Anonymous
    Yes, please focus on the acting. The music is a nice hobby and all, but the fans need something solid to stay interested...
  • > James Marsters - Message About Detroit Concert

    9 June 2005 19:51, by kim kress
    Well i would have to disagree with the last message i love to watch him act but the music was a different side to James that i love as well it was great and i love to watch him do anything at all he is just mouth watering goodness:) love ya James and can`t wait to see ya in Canada !!!