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From James-marsters.com James MarstersJames Marsters - New Message For Fans After The UK TourMonday 16 May 2005, by Webmaster •Welcome From James •SPECIAL RELEASE FROM ALTERNATEUNIVERSE FOR JAMES FANS Hi everyone -
Recuperating nicely from a kick ass, amazing UK tour. Thanks to everyone who was able to make it such an awesome experience. I was a little nervous about being out there on my own but everyone really gave me the courage and feedback to know it was the right thing. For those of you who don’t know about it, check out www.jamesmarsterslive.com which is the UK site and check out some really cool photos from the tour. I had minor knee surgery when I got back and it went really well. I’ll be back on my feet immediately and ready to rock on!
NEW SOLO CONCERT DATE ANNOUNCED: James will be performing in concert at two scheduled event just announced. He will be performing songs from his soon to be release new solo album entitled “Civilized Man” (11 songs)
JAMES will be appearing at the following conventions this year: -July 2 & 3, 2005 - Buffy Down Under 2005, Melbourne, Australia (www.tabularasa.com.au), plus concert performance