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James Marsters

James Marsters - September 2009 - Jamesmarsters.com Q&A

Tuesday 15 September 2009, by Webmaster

How do you entertain yourself on an airplane?

Books, Vanity Fair, science magazines, sleep and giving myself foot rubs.

Who were the first and last bands you saw in concert?

First band was the Clash in 1979 at the Cow Palace in San Francisco and the last one was Arcade Fire at Hollywood Bowl in LA.

As a parent and an artist what do you think of the schools cutting back on art programs?

It is one of many important things being cut right now like security, class size, and new books...and it’s been proven that music programs increase math test results. But so many essential things are being cut right now.

Which do you find easier to portray, characters that are close to your real life personality or those that are wildly different?

I always use my personality traits, the things that are true about me in all roles whether or not I think I am close to them.

Finish the sentence: New Year’s resolutions make me…


Yes or No:

Did you have braces when you were a kid? No.

Do you still paint? No, I wish I did.

Do you need reading glasses when you read books? (laughs) Yes, but I always lie about that – don’t tell anyone.