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James Marsters

James Marsters - "She Stoops to Conquer" Play - He will play Charles Marlow

Saturday 15 August 2009, by Webmaster

James is to play ’Charles Marlow’ in the classic She Stoops to Conquer live onstage as part of the L.A. Theatre Works 2009-2010 season of play readings. She Stoops to Conquer will be presented the week of June 14, 2010 and broadcast at a later date on National Public Radio.

Himber Entertainment is planning a very special event for the weekend of June 19th/20th that will include tickets to the Saturday matinee performance and more for a group of 75. Full details will be released at a later time and we advise those who wish to attend not to finalize travel arrangements for the weekend until timings are announced nearer the date.

For those wishing to purchase tickets only (not attend the ’event’ which will include your ticket), the box office will not have tickets available until September 14, 2009.