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James Marsters

James Marsters - ’The Mountain’ Tv Show - Watch The Trailer

Tuesday 16 November 2004, by Webmaster

2 Forum messages

  • > James Marsters - ’The Mountain’ Tv Show - Watch The Trailer

    16 November 2004 14:05, by Pandora: Isabell
    Well, that’s poor quality for a WB-trailer... but anyways... James looks great and I’d really love to see the ep.!(Buffy.nu!?) Even though it’s totally weird to see him as a "Dad" on such a show... honestly I would have put him on as someones older brother rather than this. It’s just strange and feels wrong to me... (I know he’s a real-time-dad as well, but his son is really a lot younger than the little brat on that show).
  • I watched the show and James showed everyone how a great actor can make something out of crap! As an actor James is amazing and he deserves so much better than this!