Homepage > Joss Whedon Cast > James Marsters > Conventions > James Marsters last 2005 U.S. Convention Appearance - Sacramento
From Alternateuniversepresents.com James MarstersJames Marsters last 2005 U.S. Convention Appearance - SacramentoSunday 15 May 2005, by Webmaster Whedonverse and Beyond Doubletree Hotel, Sacramento, CA July 8-10, 2005 www.alternateuniversepresents.com ONCE MORE WITH FEELING! On the heels of the release of his first solo CD, Civilized Man, James Marsters embarked on a hugely successful concert tour in the UK. Now, after seven sold-out concerts from Liverpool to London, James will be bringing his solo act to Alternate Universe Presents’ Whedonverse and Beyond convention in Sacramento. Rave reviews abound for this “Civilized Man” and his rockin’ UK tour, leaving the rest of us biting at the bit for our chance to share in the fun. So, we at Alternate Universe Presents are pretty happy to be bringing all of this excitement to Sacramento in July for his U.S. fans. Mr. Marsters will be kicking off our event Friday night with his solo acoustic set - an appealing blend of rock and roll with a bit of the blues. And as a special treat, following the concert, James will be having an After-Concert Talk Back with fans (attendance limited to 125)! And on Saturday, July 9th, for one day only, he will be at the convention with a Q & A, photo opportunities and autographs. And to cap it all off, he’s going to be at the Charity Auction - benefiting the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation and St. Jude Hospital for Children - where he will sign six items for lucky auction winners. Remember, there are no limits on how many extra autograph or photo op tickets (with James Marsters or any of our other guests) you may purchase at this time. ONE LAST ANNOUNCEMENT: We are sorry to say that the James Marsters After-Concert Talkback tickets are almost sold out... - Oh, come on, who are we kidding! We’re not sorry about that at all. We’re actually pretty excited about making this a fun, relaxed talk for James and you. But seriously, folks, the tickets are almost gone, so hurry up and get your Talkback ticket - ‘cause it’s gonna rock! Click on the link : 1 Message |