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Jane Espenson

Jane Espenson is optimistic about the end of the strike

Sunday 10 February 2008, by Webmaster

02/09/2008: Pencils Up?

Strike Update: I’ve just returned from the big general WGA meeting at the Shrine Auditorium here in Los Angeles. I didn’t stay all the way through the question-and-answer portion — in fact, it may still be going on. But I did stay long enough that I felt that MY questions were answered. In my opinion, it looks like a good deal. Not perfect, but with room to grow.

I’ll be checking in with friends, to make sure that I’m not missing anything, to make sure that this is the right deal at the right time, but as of this moment I’m feeling very hopeful that this is a deal I’m ready to take.

Bottom line: if this deal passes membership scrutiny, which I think it will, look for writers to be back at work some time this week. Thank all of you for supporting us, feeding us, joining us, or just thinking of us. We felt it, believe me.

Lunch: Acapulco is getting a lot of my business these days. Put me down for a margarita and my share of one of those Fiesta Platter things.