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From Angel Magazine


Jordan Levin (Warner Bros) - Angel Magazine #4

Friday 31 October 2003, by Webmaster

Date Posted: 16:06:02 10/29/03 Wed Author: Darla- Interview from issue 4 Angel magazine Subject: Jordan Levin explains whose idea bringing Spike was and why ATS was renewed

Jordan Levin, Warner Bros. President of Entertainment.

Angel Magazine: Whose idea was it to bring Spike onto Angel?

Jordan Levin: The idea to bring him back came from Joss. It wasn’t part of the condition contractually, but we wanted to be assured that we were going to be able to take some [Buffy] characters over and basically, Joss came in and pitched, "This is what I want to do. I want to bring Spike in, and I want to look at some of the other characters as well".

Angel Magazine: Why did it take so long to decide to renew Angel for a fifth season?

Jordan Levin: I think the main issue was it was a show that was on the fence [in ratings terms]. It’s a show that, up to this point, has seemingly had a [ratings] cap of the audience. Part of the reason is the show has been very [arched]. We wanted to have conversations with Joss to make sure he was committed to making the show more accessible, much more franchise-based, so that the stories were not such that it would prevent people from coming in on a week-to-week basis. We got that assurance toward the end of April. We reached a decision, and then we brought it back because we thought the show deserved it. It came on very strong in the ratings towards the end of last season. And with the departure of Buffy, we thought we had a great opportunity to grow the show. We really felt that the entire Buffy/Angel mythology was one that the fans of the show deserve a respectful conclusion to. Ending Angel would have been an abrupt end for that entire mythology. You’ve got to understand, [the WB] is a network of TV fans. Buffy ending was an emotional experience for us. And even though Buffy went over to UPN, we still emotionally held that very dear and near to our hearts. We were fans and we watched the show, so we didn’t want to see that whole world come to an end.

 Abbie Bernstein Page 14 Angel Magazine ISSUE 3 December 2003.