Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Joss Whedon - "Buffy Season 8" Comic Book - He comments the first artwork
Tuesday 24 October 2006, by Webmaster
Just so you guys know, these pieces of art they’re posting are nifty, but they don’t come close to what Georges is actually doing on the book. I’ve seen most of issue one and it’s dynamic and exciting and the likenesses are great — but not so slavishly accurate that it stops being a comic. Georges really gets the spirit of the piece (his nerd-cred is apparent to me) and walks the line between what was and what needs to follow really well. I’m having a blast writing this. And eventually I’ll get to announce the writers who are working with me on this project... It gives me a happy. Just wait. Just you wait.
I forgot to be wacky, so, uh, platypus. Go nuts.
joss | October 23, 21:39 CET