Joss Whedon
Joss Whedon - Sighting
Sunday 12 June 2005, by Webmaster
I went to the arclight half to see SW3 on their huge digital screen, and half to attach some celebrity to my memories of this nerd christmas. who should I see exiting the screening before my own in the Dome but Joss “Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Etc” Whedon? it was more than enough to turn this geek on. he was with another gentleman and dressed in his classic uniform of t-shirt, outer long-sleeve shirt unbuttoned, and rumpled pants. i later saw him exiting the arclight eatery and apparently validating his parking. glad to see his 7-figure deal with Fox isn’t inspiring him to throw money at the arclight parking garage.
14 June 2005 08:41, by Anonymous
omg this is the midnight premiere?!??!!?!??!