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Joss Whedon & Eliza Dushku - "Dollhouse" Tv Series - Apple Store Soho Event - Buffyfest.blogspot.com Report

Wednesday 11 February 2009, by Webmaster

Ok, I got in a lot of trouble for taking this but they are right in front of me and I couldn’t resist! They are showing the same clip from Comic Con. Oh my god, Eliza’s back by me right now and she’s dancing along to the Lady Gaga club scene. So surreal right now.

All of us Buffyfesters are still crazy exhausted from NYCC and we really didn’t plan on coming to this Apple Store event. At the last minute, I decided to come for a quick photo and leave. 3 hours and a Joss meeting later with my face all over Fox 5 news, I’m done. I have no idea what just happened.

Here are some tidbits from the panel:

Joss went home after the now infamous Pizza date and said to his wife "Honey, I accidentally came up with a Fox show!"

Eliza - "Buffy was my first television experience.....No one has ever looked after me like this dude [Joss]."

Joss - "This could be the one they crucify me for and that gives me a [sarcastic] warm feeling. I have a box of Tums"

Roush - "How is Echo different by the end? Joss - "She’s an elderly Hispanic gentleman"

Eliza - "I don’t want to sound narcissistic and cocky but it’s really cool!"

Talking about Eliza being sexy and it making Joss uncomfortable - Eliza says: "Joss would say ’ do Did I fall asleep without sexy bedroom eyes’ and I said ’I am, I am’ and he would say ’do it again’." So she thought of her little niece while doing that scene.

Click on the link for more :
