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Joss Whedon

Joss Whedon - "Sailor Moon" Movie - From Buffy, Angel, Firefly to Sailor Moon ?

Anthony Langlois

Wednesday 19 April 2006, by Webmaster

Ok, this is the time to remind everyone out there of two crucial things. 1: don’t shoot the messenger, 2: It’s a just a friggin rumor. But a funny one...

The good ol’ folks from MovieHotties got word recently of an article in Animage Magazine, where someone wrote that Fox acquired the rights to mid-90’s anime show "Sailor Moon" (you know, the one where this annoying blonde changes into super school girl outfit the exact same way every show). What’s more, says the mag, the studio intends to trust "Buffy" and "Firefly" creator Joss Whedon with it.

The real doozie with the mag’s article is a suggestion towards Lindsay Lohan playing the titular heroine. The idea seems more like wishful thinking (although who would wish that...), but mentioning Jennifer Garner as the villain seems a tad bit less corny.

As for Whedon’s involvement, let’s remember he’s still hard at work on "Wonder Woman", which is not even near production start yet. He WILL be hotter than heck if he pulls that one off, but will he really decide to direct a Sailor Moon film? Let’s just keep that one simmering a little more for now...