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Fireflyfans.net FireflyJoss Whedon - "Wesleyan University" Speech on May 2007 - He talked about Firefly tooFriday 1 June 2007, by Webmaster Good News About Book, et al My family and I got to see/hear Joss’ seminar last Saturday at Wesleyan University during his 20th reunion. (My 31st and my daughter’s graduation.) His talk was titled "The Importance of Being Keanu" and was more serious than the title might have indicated. It was quite well-received. Although few of the questions in the Q&A were Firefly-related, we did manage to corner him afterward and ask if we were ever going to find out how Book knows so much more than a Shepherd should about so many things. Joss’ answer: "Yes." He went on to explain that "when this thing gets moribund" the story would be continued, whether with the actors or in another medium. Sounds good to me!