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Joss Whedon

Joss Whedon is particularly good at finding perfect theme-song writers for Tv Series

Monday 23 October 2006, by Webmaster

Question: There was a question in your Oct. 16 column about the recent disappearance of opening theme songs and credits. You responded that, "Whatever the reasons, something is lost when credits and theme songs that once were an iconic cultural signature for a show (and sometimes a network) have been dropped for mercenary purposes." I beg to differ! I would much rather enjoy 30 seconds of intern antics on Grey’s Anatomy, a hidden clue on Lost or quick-witted banter on Studio 60 than the same catchy tune week after week. Perhaps that extra 30 seconds of actual show will turn into a more iconic cultural signature than a theme song ever could. The opening scenes of Lost and Studio 60 are often so engrossing that only the simple, one-note impact of the show title can do them justice. I think more shows should go this route. Give me more Emily Gilmore snarkiness and I certainly won’t fast-forward through it, as I always do with the Gilmore Girls theme song.- Heidi Matt Roush: The response to that topic was mostly on Heidi’s side. Given the shrinkage of prime-time shows, cutting to the chase seems to be the way to go. Although would Friends have been Friends without that opening song each week? Here, taking the opposite tack, is Christina:

"I too miss seeing opening credit sequences. The Oct. 16 question reminded me of a comment made on the Wonderfalls DVD that the producers had to fight to be allowed to have words added to theme song because Fox felt it was too costly. Do you think this is why there are no longer theme songs to shows? I also wonder if having a well written song has helped shows find viewers (Friends, Cheers and The Greatest American Hero’s themes come to mind). I think that perhaps the studios are just not willing to search out or hire someone to write the perfect song. I think Joss Whedon was particularly good at finding the perfect theme-song writers. Could you imagine Firefly without its theme!?"

Let me just say, I love people who love TV, and that includes people who love TV theme songs. I really do think that time, more than money, is the reason most shows forego title credit sequences. I miss them, but many shows work just fine without them. Lost especially. That haunting, whirling title card is perfect.