Homepage > Joss Whedon Crew > Joss Whedon > News > Joss Whedon on a "Spike" Tv Movie - Comingsoon.net News
From Comingsoon.net Joss WhedonJoss Whedon on a "Spike" Tv Movie - Comingsoon.net NewsWednesday 14 September 2005, by Webmaster Joss Whedon on a Spike Telemovie & More Moviehole caught up with writer/director Joss Whedon Down Under as he was promoting Serenity, opening in theaters on September 30th. There have been rumors that Whedon is looking to bring the character of Spike (played by James Marsters on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel) back for a telemovie, and he confirmed that to the site. "I’m talking in reference to that... and possibly more," he said hinting at additional characters from the series coming back as well. "I can only teasingly hint, unfortunately, until it’s got backing and we’ve got a schedule and a contract." Whedon added that he’s "been talking to some of the actors, writers, and some executives and are trying to put something together - - but it’s not happening fast. [But no] I haven’t left the Buffyverse behind." 5 Forum messages |