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Joss Whedon

Joss Whedon to receive Cultural Humanism Award from Harvard on April 10, 2009

Saturday 14 February 2009, by Webmaster

We’re delighted that Joss Whedon, the Academy Award and Emmy Award-nominated creator of the TV shows Firefly and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, this past summer’s media-redefining Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, and the new Fox show Dollhouse (premiering this Friday, February 13), will receive the 2009 Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award in Cultural Humanism. Whedon will discuss his experience in film and television and his humanist values.

The award, previously presented to novelist Salman Rushdie and punk rocker (and evolutionary biologist) Greg Graffin, is sponsored by the Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard and the Harvard Secular Society. The ceremony will take place on Friday April 10 at 8pm, in The Memorial Church in Harvard Yard. Preceding the presentation of the award, Mr. Whedon will give a short speech about his life and work as a Humanist. The award ceremony will be followed by a Q&A session with Mr. Whedon, as well as a signing opportunity in the church.

Whedon has a devoted following of fans, including the online web community whedonesque.com. In addition to his art, he has also been active in promoting women’s rights through his work with Equality Now, an organization that honored him in 2006. His speech to that group shows his passionate commitment to the positive values of Humanism.

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