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Joss Whedon wants to know how to get the message out - "Serenity" Box Office

Monday 3 October 2005, by Webmaster


Serenity Cast/Crew

Joined: 09 Jul 2004

Posts: 17

Post subject: Worst. Movie. Ever. was probably "Summer Holiday" with Mickey Rooney. Can you believe that kid was the biggest star in the world? Funny world.

Meanwhile, I’m just rounding out the weekend with a little praise for my dear peeps. Considering everything we’ve had to overcome, this is an extraordinary achievment. And you guys have been in the front lines. I lurk, I know all. So thanks. Some of you might know that this flick means more than a little to me.

Yes, the second weekend will tell all, as we’ve always known. I’m not here to push you guys — you push yourselves way harder than I could anyway. I’m just trying to figure out how to get the message out to the guys that aren’t you, that don’t know any of you, and that don’t run into someone who saw the film. I’ll be hounding the extremely patient Uni execs on that very subject. Like the lady said, "People have to know".

It’s not that there HAS to be a sequel. It’s just that I’ve got so many IDEAS...

3 Forum messages

  • Look what last week’s "bad" press did for Flightplan!

    How about a cross-country Serenity fly-over? Oh. wait. Its probably a little model. People might not be able to see it. Maybe Joss could say something controversial on conservative talk radio or get busted with a hooker. We just need press!

    I’m going again this Saturday. matinee. Hubby can watch the kids while they nap.

  • it’s sad when quality films such as Serenity don’t get nearly enough exposure as, say, movies like The dukes of hazzard. I guess people don’t wanna see a movie that doesn’t insult their intelligence.
  • The tv show was referred to me back in the day by someone I highly respected...and I so I’ve watched, but I never felt drawn to it, and, well...I still don’t. I’m sure this is a fine movie for folks but I’ll wait for the DVD. The idea of our world and history as is extended into the future without grace or growth in the spirit or society is hard to wanna go watch. Star Trek was a hit because it binged the note in the collective spirit about how we could actually really evolve into a collective ’enterprise.’ Gotta speak some truth here; Firefly talks about perpetual conflict. Existing in the center and dealing with cycles of conlict but with no real hope for lasting change—because if these humans hadn’t gotten it right with all the high tech and toys by the Firefly timeline, I’m led to understand that it’s never gonna happen for these guys and it’s all about singing the glorysong of banging your head on a brick wall and/or living semi free in the outskirts of society through crime and that’s just too dispiriting to watch. Also, when I hear ’browncoats’ I hear ’brownshirts’—cringe, think of Nazis and that’s that. Doesn’t need to make sense—it’s the pavlov thing. So, if how I feel is any indication—I think it might be missing the pulse of the public and if it could be presented in some way that feels comteporary or as a story that has a plow/plant/reap reality and not an ad infim et al; that might help.