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Kelley Deal (The Breeders) - "Dollhouse" Tv Series - Thenewgay.net Interview

Friday 21 August 2009, by Webmaster

TNG: I know that you are a Joss Whedon fan, now that Dollhouse has finished its season….

KD: I’M A HUGE JOSS WHEDON FAN! As a matter of fact, I was talking to somebody on Pitchfork, just like chatting. This guy mentions Dollhouse and I was like, “I was just watching the first episode, and I couldn’t really get into it, I’m not sure.” The first guy was berating Dollhouse, saying how much he didn’t like it. I think I might have even said I was a latecomer to Buffy [the Vampire Slayer]. It had had been on for several years before I got into it. I just happened to get on re-runs. That’s when I started seeing it, every day four times a day. Before, I was not into Buffy and stuff. I saw on Pitchfork how I was completely dissing Dollhouse, and it really bothered me, because I’m a huge Joss Whedon fan. Have you ever watched Ace of Cakes?

TNG: Yeah, it’s based here in Baltimore.

KD: One of the girls there [has a shirt] that says “Joss Whedon is My Master”, or “Joss Whedon’s Bitch.” And I wanted to get a t-shirt and start wearing that with the hopes of apologizing to him.

TNG: You can apologize right now, with the Dollhouse season over…

KD: I didn’t see it.

TNG: Oh, bummer.

KD: We’ll I’m sure I’ll get it on DVD. What do you think? Did it get better or not?

TNG: I was lukewarm on the first few episodes, but it got epic. I think it was FOX’s fault that the first ones kind of failed. I think it’s a great show though.

KD: [To Kim] He says it’s amazing. Oh course it is. It’s Joss Whedon. Trust in Joss, ’cause he’s not gonna steer you wrong. Kim just said that Joss is gonna love the fact that we’re working on this for him.

TNG: Having already guest-starred on Buffy, would you consider being on Dollhouse

KD: Oh yeah. But I’m sure Joss is mad at me. He’s not going to want me on Dollhouse now.