11/1/03: A really important note! Dear passers by, web surfers, spoiler whores, and friends, I write this message to you to announce that this is the official end of the LeoffOnline "Wildfeed Summaries" for both Angel and Alias, and most likely any other new, interesting shows that come along. Due in part to competition from other spoiler sources, in part from a hectic life schedule, in part to new, technical difficulties with satellite viewing, and just a little bit lacking in the "umph" department that I once had for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as of today, November 1st, I’m closing up shop on any future Wildfeedy goodness. The last few weeks I’ve had a chance to think things over. What I do is far from talent, nor does it take up vast amounts of my time. But it is a hobby of mine whose glimmer isn’t once what it was. So I took a careful look around the web, checking things out, seeing if what I was offering my friendly Spoiler Whores was really all that different from what is out there. I found quite a few summaries for upcoming shows for both Angel and Alias, even quite detailed ones based not on the wildfeed transmission but directly from scripts or whatknot. Then yes, I came into work one day, the place where the trusty ol’ dish sits, and after talking to some people and looking at scheduled broadcasts and some other work-ish type issues, I found that it is a little harder to gain access to said dish at times I wish. Access isn’t quite as accessable anymore. And lastly life. Hey, it’s not like I have to do any particular episodes, and I know you all usually understand when I have to miss one here or there because of a trip or such. But I always feel like crap when I do have to miss one after a big build up from the previous week. So, that’s it. While LeoffOnline will live on in some weird form or another, the wildfeed summaries are kaput-done-over. My humble apologies for those who I have let down by this decision. Of course, there’s a few thanks before the wildfeedyness of the site goes bye bye, though... To the Vartain Ho’s, the newest group of spoiler whores I’ve introduced myself to, thank you for letting me glimpse the wonderful fandom that is Alias. To Tensai and Wendy, you’ve both been uber-gods and have my deep admiration in the realm of spoiler-dom. Thank you for the links and blurbs and babblings we’ve had together. To Dori, Herc, Angel’s Acolyte, and Loey, thank you, fellow Wildfeeders, for constantly challenging me to do a better job on the summaries, and making me look forward to some really fantastic summaries, reviews, and babblings! You all are the best! To "Hostetv," you are my super-spy! Thank you for the heads up each week! I doff my cap to you! To the freaky ladies in Tabula Rasa, you made Monday mornings just that much more insane for a while. Thank you all for the weird chat! To Just Me, Cazadora, Digitalis, and Gunn, thanks for the good swift kicks in the butt to help make the site and the summaries readable, and giving me just a little extra "umph" each week to continue the spoiler whore ways. To the big, bad, Board Momma herself, AnGeLX, my endless admiration, grattitude, and servitude to the woman who, in my eyes, got this whole thing started for me with a good ol’-fashioned "get your own space" push out the door. You are my catalyst, my muse, my friend. And lastly to anyone who has ever glanced at this site and smirked at least once, the most sincere thank-you’s from the pits of this spoiler whore’s heart. It is because of you all and your "need to know NOW" desires that made this site the mess it is. The site itself will continue until I run out of money, or the Internet implodes, or I fall down a mine shaft, or I lose the ability to type from a really bad infection. Things will stay exactly as they are for a few weeks, then some new things might pop up here and there, I dunno. We’ll see where the future takes me. For old time’s sake... Windex makes it SHINE |