Homepage > Joss Whedon’s Tv Series > Buffy The Vampire Slayer > News > Life after Buffy for Gellar : a new star chosen
From Ananova.com Buffy The Vampire SlayerLife after Buffy for Gellar : a new star chosenFriday 14 February 2003, by Webmaster Buffy the Vampire Slayer will carry on with a new star after the departure of Sarah Michelle Gellar, according to reports.
The producers have decided to make Eliza Dushku’s character Faith the main star of the show, according to the Daily Express. They have reportedly decided Gellar is irreplaceable as Buffy and rejected another proposal to make Buffy’s sister Dawn the star. Dushku, 22, will appear alongside Gellar in the final three episodes of the current series. Faith has so far been a bad girl in the show but producers have decided the character has the potential to hold on to fans. Gellar is leaving to concentrate on films but is expected to return for cameo appearances as Buffy. |