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The Avengers

Mark Ruffalo - "The Avengers" Movie - Collider.com Interview

Monday 11 April 2011, by Webmaster

Question: What do you have to do to get ready for The Avengers?

MARK RUFFALO: We have to get the script. We’ve been working on the script, which has been fun. I’ve lost 15 pounds. They don’t want me all ripped up, but they want me to be lean and mean. It’s about trying to get the psychology of somebody who knows, at any moment, they could literally tear the roof off of wherever they are and trying to bring something real to that and totally fantastic. I’ve been working with Joss Whedon on the script, with the rest of the cast, and we start rehearsals soon. Hopefully, we’ll have the mother of all comic book movies for you soon.

When will you start shooting?

RUFFALO: In the first week of May.

Does being the third actor in 10 years to play The Hulk give you any kind of pause?

RUFFALO: Yeah, are you kidding me? I’ve got some big shoes to fill. I kind of look at it as my generation’s Hamlet. We’re all going to get a shot at it.