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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Marti Noxon - "New Buffy" Movie or Tv Series - Fearnet.com Interview

Wednesday 21 July 2010, by Webmaster

f there’s one TV project that most genre fans would love to see reborn on the big screen it’s Joss Whedon’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer. That’s why, when I chatted with Marti Noxon earlier this week, I made sure to ask the former Buffy writer and executive producer if she’d contemplate a return to the character should a feature film get greenlit. Find out what she told me after the jump.

There’s been talk of re-launching the franchise as a film. Is that a project you might be interested in?

Obviously, if there’s a film I probably wouldn’t have much of a role there, because Joss is a one-man show. But I would certainly do whatever he asks. If called, I will answer. Actually, on the TV side, I feel like enough time has passed that we’re probably all reenergized and have new things to say. If there were some kind of reboot, then yeah I’d be totally down for that. The great thing is that so many of the Buffy people have finally… I think there was a period of flailing, because they had it so good. Then you come into the "real world", and you realize that not everybody operates the same way as we did. We were given a lot of creative freedom, a lot of latitude to do what we wanted to do, and real TV doesn’t operate like that as much. Not everybody, but many of us And fortunately we’re kind of finding out feet. The only downside of that is that if something came up we might not be available.

There was talk at one point about perhaps launching a movie without Joss’s involvement.

That was ridiculous. [Laughs] That was ridiculous. I think that notion was so quickly… I think that was probably some kind of muscle to try to get Joss to commit to something. That was my suspicion, that they were sort of playing a game to move the project forward. Because nobody wants that to happen.